As we all self-isolate, it's easy to get overwhelmed and stressed. Not just by the real fear of COVID-19, but also by the mundane daily stresses of entertaining our beloved children who are now cooped up at home (& that's not even counting any spouses underfoot). The endless litany of cooking, cleaning, and entertaining can get us frazzled. Please note that I say this with all the gratitude that these are first world problems! But anxiety and stress are universal, are they not? My point is that no matter which situation or circumstances you are in, you are not alone. Our shared humanity is all collectively suffering right now.
Please make sure you are taking out time for yourself, even if it's just a few extra minutes in the bathroom or an extra 10 minutes before you get up in the morning. I see you, my tribe of fellow parents, and I'd love to help you achieve some peace during these challenging times. Please join me for Mindful Moments mornings--a short talk followed by a guided meditation on self-care. Offered online via zoom. Check out my FB page ( for dates and login details. Hope to see you there! 🧡🧡🧡 (Desperately wishing I was 👇🏼right now! 🙏🏼🏝🍹🌺)