Ahhh….the love words of Rumi. If you can truly appreciate the wise words of this lovely spiritual teacher, you have learned much about life and living. Going into this month of feverish spending and shopping, it is imperative that you hold onto the actual meaning behind the commercial craziness. It is to simply give from the heart and lead with compassion towards others.
There are so many ways to gift others with your compassion without spending money: A kind deed; performing a chore (like mowing the lawn for an elderly neighbor); staying late to close-up for a co-worker; writing cheerful cards for a nursing home; and the list goes on and on. Don’t let the glamour blind you to what this season is truly about. Up your kindness factor and invoke compassion each day in your dealings with others.
I challenge you to perform one kind deed a day, which helps someone else. This doesn’t have to be a major undertaking. You can simply hold the door open for someone or let someone ahead of you in your social distanced line! If you're really motivated, you can do the ole-pay-for-the-person-behind-you-in-a-fast food-line. Don’t overthink and don’t complicate it.
Compassion for others should come so naturally to us, as our inner essence is pure love. We were born with this essence but sometimes in the hustle and bustle of life, we forget. Or worse, we miserly save and hoard it only for specific days or special occasions, such as the holidays. Take this month to naturally bring our compassionate selves to the surface and make it our natural state. Remember, as we model it for our children, they learn the importance of compassion, too. The difference is compassion comes more naturally to children—they have not veered far from their natural state. Let us keep it that way so they don’t forget as we have.
In the next post, I will continue with December's theme of compassion. Meanwhile, if you are interested in learning some quick techniques for mindful parenting, remember to sign up for my short weekly email (click on the banner below) and you’ll get this FREE guide: “Finding Calmness in Chaos: 5 Quick Techniques for Mindful Parenting of Neurodiverse Children." Also, you are very welcome to join our private Facebook group: Mindfulness for Neurodiverse Families by clicking on the button at the bottom of the Home page. Thanks and have a beautiful week! 🧡